One of the more difficult troubleshooting tasks on Windows XP computers is fixing Network related problems. More often, resolving the problem means re-installing Windows XP. While no method exist to uninstall a damaged or corrupt TCP Network stack on XP, a free utility does offer a last resort to cure and repair Network connection related problems
WinSock XP Fix is a utility, with a good track record of fixing and repairing the following problems:
- Corrupted Networking or Winsock (Windows Socket Interface) problems on Windows XP caused by missing registry entries.
- Lost or slow connection issues due to Spyware and Adware removal tools during clean up.
- Installation of programs or tools that modify Network and Winsock configurations.
- Wireless related connection problems,
- Issues caused by Microsoft updates and patches.
- PC not obtaining DHCP address.
- No connection or low signal when connecting to Internet Cable/DSL modems.
- Network driver problems or Winsox errors
WinSock XP Fix is free, requires no installation and involves two steps that will backup the registry (if selected), then attempt to fix Network problems and display status results during the repair step.
As always, before running any tool or utility as a last resort, backup any data you do not want to lose.
Run WinSock XP Fix following these steps:
1. Download WinSox XP Fix to your Desktop, then click on WinsockxpFix.exe to start program (no installation is required).
2. After the utility opens, you will have two options available, Fix or ReG-Backup (registry backup). Since you are running the tool as a last resort, decide if you want to backup the registry or go ahead and Fix.
If you choose to backup the registry, click on ReG-Backup and in the next window, select a location to Backup to: (or accept default location) and select all Backup options (System registry, Current user registry, Other open user registries) and click OK.
3. Click Fix and click Yes to Apply the VB_Winsock fix?
4. The amount of time needed to repair will depend on the number of Network connections and Protocols installed on your system (be patient). After repair has completed, click Ok to reboot
With any luck, your Network connections will be repaired. As a final checklist, verify your Anti Virus and Spyware programs are working correctly. If you have a VPN connection make sure all settings are configured properly. Re-install any component or program that do not appear to be working.
WinSock XP Fix may not be a perfect utility, and there is no risk involved as a last ditch effort to repair TCP network connection issues if you are considering re-installing Windows XP.
NOTE: If you did choose to backup the registry before running the Fix, I do not recommend restoring from the registry backup you created if the WinSox Xp Fix was successful in repairing your Network settings. If the problem was registry related, restoring will just put the problem back in the registry.
If neccessary and you do need to restore the registry backup, go to the folder where the backup was saved (default is C:\ERDNT), and run ERDNT.EXE.