by: Matt Bacak
e-Marketing, commonly known as an Internet marketing tool, refers to 'how' businesses market their services or products online. In this new age of technology, an Internet presence directly affects the success of a business. From an ecommerce site to an informational site, e-Marketing begins at your homepage.
Utilize a Website
Every website has one goal and that is to heighten the interest of the reader. For the homepage to be an effective e-Marketing tool, web content needs to follow the search engine optimized (SEO) techniques outlined by search engine domains like Google and Yahoo. Once landing on your site, the content will act as a sales letter.
Whether you operate a service or sell products, e-Marketing is more affordable than the traditional means of marketing. Over 130,000,000 people surf the Internet daily. It would take a hefty investment to reach this number of people in the more traditional means of marketing.
Producing a website that ranks well in the search engines, will assist you in obtaining more visitors and visitors easily convert into customers at a rather amazing rate.
Cost Comparison
Printing promotional material can be quite costly. With a website, this cost is significantly lower because your site eliminates the need for brochures or an abundance of business cards. Instead of sending a new prospective literature in the mail, re-direct them to your website. It will guide potential customers through the basics of your business.
Studies show that the per-reader response rates of newspaper advertisements are low. This is due to the number of readers that scan over your add that really have not interest in your services or products. Online readers, however, are a direct result of search engines. These people want to know more about your services or products. The likelihood of turning visitors into customers is higher.
Advertising Campaign
With e-Marketing, the cost of an advertising campaign is drastically lower. The same rules apply but with less effort. You'll need to locate your target market, address their interest, and show how they can benefit.
Typical, ezines or announcements serve as an e-Marketing campaign medium. Utilizing these mediums will improve your online business. Here's how you can get started:
Ezines: Ezines are nothing more than an electronic newsletter. There are several services online that will assist you in writing an ezine. But use caution! It's bad business to send an ezine to someone who hasn't subscribed.
Announcements: Announcements are similar to a press release. Using the electronic transfer of news to an email box, you can announce new events, new services, and new products a lot faster.
Hottest e-Marketing Tool
Today, e-books are the hottest marketing tool of the Twentieth Century. Once Internet Gurus grasp the concept of selling their services or products with an e-book, the market jumped. Adding an e-book to your tools of e-Marketing is a smart move.
E-books consist of hidden links (as in, not apparent) that the inexperienced e-book reader can't see. These links help promote affiliate programs and sell your services or products. The readers click through the e-book and find themselves at your site.
E-books are an e-Marketing medium that needs careful planning. It makes no sense to develop an e-book on dogs if you sell household appliances. To be successful at e-Marketing with e-books, you need to write content related to your business. For instance:
· Home Improvement - How to Design a Kitchen
· Accountant - How Small Businesses can Benefit From a CPA
· Web Developer - How a Website Can Help
Bottom Line
e-Marketing has saved businesses thousands of advertising dollars. It's an effective marketing tool that every business should take advantage of. With a better understanding of how e-Marketing can help improve your business, you can prepare for an e-Marketing campaign that will exceed all of your expectations.
e-Marketing Basics
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