More often than not, haste makes waste, but fortunately with Computers we can undo our mistakes. One example is with deleting files or folders. How many times have you deleted something only to realize it was the wrong file or folder? Sure you can go to the Trashcan on your desktop and recover the item, but if you want a quicker method try these two shortcuts.
Next time you delete files or folders (at the same time), use the following Keyboard shortcut to undo the delete: Ctrl+Z
On Vista only if you decide that it was the correct item, and you want to delete them again, use the Keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+Y to redo the delete.
If you rather use your mouse instead of the Keyboard, after deleting a file or folder, right click anywhere that is blank, and select: Undo Delete from the context menu.
On Vista only if you decide you want to delete the item again, right click anywhere and select: Redo Delete from the context
NOTE: If you bypassed the Trashcan when deleting items by holding the Shift key, Undo Delete and Redo Delete will not be available and you can not recover the item. Also Undo Delete can only undo the last item that was deleted. So if you delete an item, then deleted another item after the first delete, you can only undo the second item that was deleted. The only exception to undo multiple items, is if you selected multiple items to be deleted at once.